Jesuitical Nazi Propaganda
Jesuitical Nazi Propaganda
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Chief Propagandist
First, allow me to deal with the origin of propaganda:
“Propaganda has a long history. The word, derived from the Latin propagare, to propagate or spread the word, was first used explicitly during the Counter Reformation in 1622 when the Catholic Church set up a new papal department, a committee of cardinals or sacred congregation, charged with the propagation of the faith (Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide).”
-Nazis and the Cinema by Susan Tegel page 12
And of course, Hitler's ministry of propaganda was modeled after the Roman Catholic Church's papal department of propaganda:
"Hitler saw striking parallels between his Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment and the Church’s Congregation for the Propaganda of the Faith (Congregano de Propaganda Fide)."
--The Psychopathic God Adolf Hitler pages 29
Furthermore, Lehmann writes:
“Nazi-Fascism's anti-Semitic ideology… and antidemocratic activities, its very propaganda methods were borrowed from the Jesuit Order.”
-Vatican Policy In the Second World War by L.H. Lehmann page 14
This could only have been possible and have been flawlessly executed by a Roman Catholic. That Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic was Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, a member of Hitler's inner circle and one of the most powerful Nazis in the Reich.
Goebbels' Jesuit education and upbringing has been thoroughly documented in countless works, I will cite a few of them here in order to show you how well known this fact is.
“Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, having been educated by Jesuits at the Albertus Magnus Association in Roman Catholic Cologne...”
-Vatican Assassins 3rd Edition page 1186
“Goebbels, who himself was brought up by the Jesuits, craftily introduced the traditional Catholic values that lay deeply embedded in people into Nazi propaganda.”
-The Twins by Dutch novelist Tessa De Loo page 84
“It was readily apparent, even to the most casual observer, that Goebbels was a dynamo with a brain. He held a diploma from a Jesuit school in the Rhine Valley— he being the only prominent Nazi who had graduated from a university.”
-Wedemeyer Reports! By U.S. General Albert C. Wedemeyer page 77
"Who was the Nazi chief propagandist? The No. 1 liar of the Nazi Party, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, head over press, radio, theatre, etc., was Dr. P.J. Goebbels, also a Roman Catholic. Konstantin, Duke of Bavaria, a Roman Catholic, said in his book, The Pope, page 77 that Goebbels 'received a Jesuit education, attended an academy in Catholic Rhineland, and received the scholarship for his training from a Catholic institution.' Goebbels was trained by the world's most brazen liars."
-The Great Silence Conspiracy by Andrew Sinclair page 11
“The Jesuit-educated Goebbels was one of the first to see the quasi-religious aspect of National Socialism… But it was Goebbels with his superb propaganda machine who transformed admiration for the regime’s achievements into a quasi-religious cult of the Führer. ‘The whole Volk’, he proclaimed, ‘is devoted to him not merely through respect, but with deep and heartfelt love, because it has the feeling that it belongs to him. It is flesh of his flesh, blood of his blood.’ Perhaps only someone who had been educated by Jesuits could be capable of such blasphemy.”
-The Third Reich: Charisma and Community by Martin Kitchen page 62, 101
“Goebbels, by far the best mind in the Nazi hierarchy, had also been quietly gathering information about Heydrich. He saw in the virtual head of the Gestapo a formidable adversary and, in certain circumstances, competitor. For that equally diabolical student of the Rhineland jesuits recognized in Heydrich a man with as much intellectual ability as himself, infinitely more ruthless and with an executive ability Goebbels never possessed.”
-Heydrich Hitler’s Most Evil Henchman by Charles Wighton page 105-106
“Goebbels' pious Catholic parents sent him to Catholic school; he received Catholic scholarships for university-studies, and was trained by Jesuits.”
-Why the Holocaust Happened: Its Religious Cause & Scholarly Cover-Up by Eric Zuesse page 80
And here's the kicker:
“Joseph Goebbels was the intellectual of the Nazi Party; perhaps its only intellectual. The prize-pupil of a Jesuit seminary... As the Jesuits created a system of education aimed at preventing knowledge, so Goebbels created a system of propaganda, ironically styled ‘public enlightenment,’ which successfully persuaded a people to believe that black was white.”
-The Last Days of Hitler by H.R. Trevor-Roper page 16-17
That last phrase is of utmost importance, the implications of it can be missed if scanned over too swiftly. Allow me to quote Eric Jon Phelps, what Phelps is commenting on is a line of the script from the movie JFK, Director’s Cut where a character says, "White is black and black is white." A very fitting and similar quote to what is seen above, Phelps writes:
“His last line is a Jesuit maxim laid down by the Order’s founder, Ignatius Loyola, in his demonic Spiritual Exercises. The Jesuit, as well as every Jesuitized ‘good Catholic,’ has no mind of his own. At the word of his superior the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth; good is evil and evil is good—’for the greater glory of God.’”
-Vatican Assassins 3rd Edition by Eric Jon Phelps page 1566
What Phelps is getting at is that this line that is practically word for word with a famous quote from the first Superior General of the Jesuit Order Ignatius Layola's Spiritual Exercises.
In the words of Loyola,
“Putting aside all private judgment we should always be ready to accept this principle: I will believe that the white I see is black, if the hierarchical Church so defines it.”
-The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Ignatius Loyola, translated by Anthony Mottola, (New York: Doubleday Publishers, 1989; originally written in 1523) pp. 139, 141.
This is just another confirmation that Goebbels did indeed put what he learned from the Jesuits into action and it was instrumental in the success of the Holocaust.
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