(The Roman Catholic Church)

By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, Feb. 1982

This article was written by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman in his Bible Believer's Bulletin in February of 1982, I am posting this article to supplement my previous article entitled: "HITLER WAS A ROMAN CATHOLIC." His full article is reproduced below without any alterations. "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" (2 Corinthians 13:1).

As any informed person knows. Adolph Hitler was born and raised as a Roman Catholic (see the definitive biography by Toland, Adolph Hitler, Double Day Inc., New York 1976). As a good sprinkled baby, in a Catholic home, he attended a school operated by Benedictine monks (ibid. p. 9). When he grew up, Karl Bachem said, “Never yet had a Catholic country possessed such a developed system of all conceivable Catholic associations as today’s Catholic Germany” (1931, Vorgeschicte, Geschichte, and Politik Der Deutschen Zentrumpspartei, Vol. VIII, Cologne, 1931, p. 362).

With this in which to work, Hitler gathered to him five, good, solid, Roman Catholic men, all sprinkled as babies and raised on the Catholic “sacraments,” These men were:

1. Rudolph Hoess, the commandant of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp (see his autobiography).

2. Hermann Goering, see any biography of Hermann (“The Riech Marshall,” etc.).

3. Josef Goebbels, the minister of propaganda.

4. Heinrich Himmler, the head of the Gestapo.

5. “Hangman” Heydrich, the head of the army of occupation in


Recognizing (as Charlemagne and Napoleon recognized it) that no “Holy

Roman Empire” or “United Europe” could be accomplished without the Pope’s consent, Hitler immediately sent Fritz Von Papen and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (the Papal Cardinal in Berlin) to Pope Pius XI to engineer a concordat. The Pope had made one with the Roman Catholic dictator in Italy in 1929, and he had made one with the Roman Catholic dictator (Franco) in 1939. This papal concordat with the Nazis was signed in July of 1933. In a way, Adolph had to sign it because in negotiations between Hitler and the Pope, before 1933, it was agreed that the Pope (through Cardinal Pacelli) would order the Roman Catholic “Center Party” in Germany to dissolve itself so that the Nazis could have enough votes to put Hitler in over the Communist vote:

1. Nazis 12,000,000

2. Communists 13,000,000

3. Catholics 5,000,000 (this was in 1932).

Being good Roman Catholics too, Von Papen and Pacelli got the job done and got Hitler in (see any biography by any historian). It was Von Papen who resigned as chancellor to get Hitler in; as soon as he got in, he made his Roman Catholic buddy, Von Papen, Vice Chancellor. In the next free election, a mandate was held, and out of nowhere there came 5,000,000 votes for Hitler.

There are several things about Adolph Hitler’s church life that are outstanding, and since no daily newspaper (or TV station) in America would dare publicize them, we take our liberty here.

1. In his entire lifetime, he was never excommunicated by his Church.

2. In his entire lifetime, not one word was ever spoken against him personally by the Pope or by anyone in the Vatican.

3. While slaughtering 6,000,000 Jews, not one official document ever came from the Vatican that even mentioned the word “JEWS.”

4. Hitler simply told the Catholic hierarchy (Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann, from the Pope) that he was only doing to the Jews what “the Church had done for fifteen hundred years” (see The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, Geunter Lewy, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York 1964, pp. 51–52).

No Catholic, living or dead, would dare refute that statement publicly (see clause 1325 of Canon Law).

The papal nuncio in Berlin (Monsignor Cesare Orsenigo) was jubilant about the establishment of Hitler as dictator; “Der Rutlischwue”—a periodical published in Munich—printed an article by the “Katholikenbund” which called for a fight against three evil forces, one of which was the Jews. A regular contributor to this periodical was the Roman Catholic priest Joseph Roth, who later became an official in Hitler’s Ministry for Ecclesiastical Affairs.

On December 14, 1930, a Catholic priest (Dr. Haeuser) gave the principal address at a Christmas celebration of the Nazi party of Augsburg; Herman Goering assured Monsignor Pizzardo of the Papal Secretariat of State that the leaders of the Gestapo, SS, and Nazi party didn’t approve of any “anti-Catholic” utterances of any German (Ernst Duerlein, Das Reichskonkordat” Dusseldorf, 1956, pp. 294–295).

Imagine Americans watching “HOLOCAUST” and thinking they are getting historical truth! Imagine that!

The few bishops and priests who rebelled against Hitler were tried and sentenced by their own right-wing Catholic brethren and jailed in concentration camps run by Roman Catholics (Palitsch, Kramer, Koch, Stangl, etc.). Harold Titman (Oct. 1941) tried to get the Pope to issue a public protest against the mass killings of Jews, and he was told this could not be done since it would jeopardize the situation to the German Catholics (Lewy, op, cit., p. 248–250).

“Father” Senn hailed Hitler as “the tool of God called upon to overcome

Judaism” (AKD, Mitteilungsblatt, No. 6, May 15, 1934, p. 8).

Converted Jewish philosopher Dr. Edith Stein (April, 1933) asked the Pope

for an encyclical on “the Jewish question.” It was denied immediately (ibid., p. 295). However, the Roman Catholic newspaper Civilta-Cattolicia, published by the Jesuits (No. 2024, cited in Capri, The Catholic Church and Italian Jewry under the Fascists, Vol. IV, 1960, pp. 515–52), said bluntly that all Jews should lose their civil rights and be put into ghettos.

Imagine these stupid people in Pensacola watching “HOLOCAUST” and thinking they are watching “history”!

The head of the Gestapo, Catholic Heinrich Himmler, praised “the discretion of the Vatican” (The Ciano Diaries, 1939–1943, edited by Hugh Gibson, N.Y., 1946, p. 530).

Himmler, as Hitler, was born, sprinkled, confirmed, and raised a Roman Catholic; neither man was ever excommunicated by his church.

What could be more comical, if not monstrous, than a Roman Catholic Pope (John Paul II) going into Poland to pray for the dead at Auschwitz when a Pope had set Hitler up (Pius XI), prayed for him, and supported him (Pius XII)? The camp was operated by one of his members—Rudolph Hoess—to kill a people that the popes’ church had been killing since A.D. 400.

What could show the monstrous stupidity of the American people any more than that? The acceptance of “HOLOCAUST” as an accurate portrayal of what went wrong in “racist” Germany!

Hitler has a word for his “holy faith”—he called it “POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY” (Lehmann, Behind the Dictators, Aeora Pub. Co. N.Y. 1942, p. 8). Von Papen, his Catholic buddy, called the Third Reich “A CHRISTIAN REVOLUTION” (Papen, New Series, Oldenburg, 1933, p. 71).

And when one considers it, they had every right in the world to identify the murder of millions of people with the name of Christ. After all, it was the Pope himself (Pius XI) who had insisted that Italy (Catholic Mussolini) and Germany (Catholic Hitler) represented the “nucleus of the Christian world” (Documents on German Foreign Policy, C.I. doc 362 p. 652; report of Von Papen to the Nazi Cabinet).

There wasn’t one Protestant of any hue in the whole gang (Pius XI, Pius XII, Franco, Von Papen, Hitler, Mussolini, or Himmler).

Raving fanatics like Justice Herbert O’Brien, a Roman Catholic judge in America, said (March 29, 1938) in the New York Herald Tribune that Hitler “will accomplish a normal reunion which will result in religious liberty for all Europe.” Since Hitler approved of the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility (Mein Kampf, p. 507), he said the Catholic Church would remain as a “beacon light” (Lehmann, op cit, p. 513) AGAINST Protestantism (Ibid., p. 29). As the Jesuit weekly America said in its April 18 issue of 1940, “PROTESTANTISM IS DEFINITELY ANTI-CHRISTIAN.”

There was only one main Church behind the “Holocaust.” It was the “one, holy, Catholic, apostolic,” religious prostitute of Adolph Hitler and his top men.



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