
Showing posts from April, 2023

Jesuitical Nazi Propaganda

  Jesuitical Nazi Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Chief Propagandist First, allow me to deal with the origin of propaganda: “ Propaganda has a long history. The word, derived from the Latin propagare, to propagate or spread the word, was first used explicitly during the Counter Reformation in 1622 when the Catholic Church set up a new papal department, a committee of cardinals or sacred congregation, charged with the propagation of the faith (Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide) .” -Nazis and the Cinema by Susan Tegel page 12 And of course, Hitler's ministry of propaganda was modeled after the Roman Catholic Church's papal department of propaganda: " Hitler saw striking parallels between his Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment and the Church’s Congregation for the Propaganda of the Faith (Congregano de Propaganda Fide)." --The Psychopathic God Adolf Hitler pages 29  https://archive.o

Jesuitical Nazi Nuremberg Laws

  Jesuitical Nazi Nuremberg Laws Here are citations proving that the infamous Nuremberg laws implemented by the Third Reich were indeed not original to the Nazis but were rather the direct successor of the Roman Catholic and Jesuitical laws of the Inquisition. “The ‘ laws of purity of blood, ’ which became general in Spanish society by the sixteenth century, were purely racial. They excluded the Jew from public and Church leadership, regardless of whether he was a secret Judaizer or the most sincere Catholic. Those who aspired to positions in public life or the Church had to display their genealogical charts to  the Inquisition  to prove that they had no hidden Jewish ancestry.  Such laws remained on the books in Catholic religious orders,   such as the Jesuits , until the twentieth century.  They are the ancestor of the Nazi Nuremberg laws .” -The Persisting Question by Helen Fein page 36 “In Spain, however,  the Inquisit