Jesuitical Nazi Nuremberg Laws
Jesuitical Nazi Nuremberg Laws
Here are citations proving that the infamous Nuremberg laws implemented by the Third Reich were indeed not original to the Nazis but were rather the direct successor of the Roman Catholic and Jesuitical laws of the Inquisition.
“The ‘laws of purity of blood,’ which became general in Spanish society by the sixteenth century, were purely racial. They excluded the Jew from public and Church leadership, regardless of whether he was a secret Judaizer or the most sincere Catholic. Those who aspired to positions in public life or the Church had to display their genealogical charts to the Inquisition to prove that they had no hidden Jewish ancestry. Such laws remained on the books in Catholic religious orders, such as the Jesuits, until the twentieth century. They are the ancestor of the Nazi Nuremberg laws.”
-The Persisting Question by Helen Fein page 36
“In Spain, however, the Inquisition introduced a code of limpieza de sangre – pure-bloodedness – that looked forward to the Nuremberg Laws of 1935.’
-Dark History of the Catholic Church: Schisms, Wars, Inquisitions, Witch Hunts, Scandals, Corruption by Michael Kerrigan page 164
Not only were the laws themselves not by any means a new creation, even the methods used to carry out such antisemitic policies were a repeat of Romish history.
“Nearly 500 years before the Nazis ordered the creation of the Warsaw Ghetto, Pope Paul IV ordered the Jews of Rome ghettoized. Nearly 500 years before the Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of their rights as German citizens, another pope made them a people without protection. More than 700 years before the Nazis made Jews wear the Star of David, the Fourth Lateran Council mandated badges of identification. More than 800 years before the Nazis said Christians could not work for Jews, Pope Gregory VII said Christians could not be in lower positions than Jews. And so it went. There was anti-Jewish legislation 1,500 years before the Nazis' laws.”
-Hitler and the Nazis: The Evil that Men Do by Arnold P. Rubin page 109
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